How To Meld In Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep

Melding is a gameplay mechanic exclusive to Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep and Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Final Mix that allows you to combine commands to create better ones.

Melding new commands continuously as you get further into the game is essential, as you can only get some of the most powerful Command Skills this way.


  1. The Basics Of Melding
  2. Melding Rare Commands

The Basics Of Melding

You can use the Melding mechanic by going to your Menu > Command Decks > Meld Commands.

Menu > Command Decks > Meld Commands

In the Meld Menu, you’ll see three slots that need to be filled:

  • Slot 1: Commands are placed here.
  • Slot 2: Commands are placed here.
  • ITEM: Synthesis materials (crystals) are placed here.
Meld Menu

There are two ways that you can meld two Command Skills together. You either do it with a Synthesis material (ITEM), or without one.

Also, keep in mind that there are some Command Skills that you can’t meld  together, as there are specific combinations that you must use to create new commands.

Level 1 Barrier & Level 3 Barrier (Melding Available)

Some Command Skills, namely Barrier and Block, can be used as melding materials at Level 1, but other Command Skills can only be melded once they’re at max level.

We recommend leveling all Command Skills to max level (even Block and Barrier) before you meld them, as this will guarantee that they can be used as material for more melding combinations.

Command Shop

Remember to always visit your Command Shop if you want to buy some materials for melding.

You can also unlock more Command Skills in the Command Shop by melding them once in the Meld Menu. For example, Thunder Surge only becomes available in the Command Shop once you meld it.

Method #1: Melding Commands Without A Synthesis Material

Meld Menu (Firaga + Aeroga)

You can meld Command Skills without an ITEM (Synthesis material), such as Fleeting Crystals  or Chaos Crystals.

Despite not using a Synthesis material, there is a small chance that a random Ability will appear when melding.

Melding Complete (Fission Firaga With No Ability)

If you meld two commands that already have an ability attached to them (either or both) without a Synthesis material, you get a higher chance of getting a new command with a random Ability, but it is still not guaranteed.

If you want Abilities or a specific Ability to appear for certain, however, you must use the second method and meld Command Skills with a Synthesis material instead.

Method #2: Melding Commands With A Synthesis Material

Meld Menu (Firaga + Aeroga + Fleeting Crystal)

The second method involves using a Synthesis material in your ITEM slot while melding.

These Synthesis materials are also called Crystals, and you can get them by either killing Unversed or purchasing them from the Medal Shop in the Mirage Arena.

Melding Complete (Fission Firaga With Reload Boost)

Here are the abilities that you can get by using each Crystal as your Synthesis material:

Synthesis Materials (ITEM Slot)Abilities Given
Abounding CrystalLucky Strike
Link Prize Plus
EXP Walker
Fleeting CrystalAttack Haste
Magic Haste
Reload Boost
Soothing CrystalHP Boost
Item Boost
Damage Syphon
Shimmering CrystalBlizzard Boost
Blizzard Screen
Fire Boost
Fire Screen
Thunder Boost
Thunder Screen
Cure Boost
Dark Screen
Pulsing CrystalCombo F Boost
Leaf Bracer
Finish Boost
Hungry CrystalHP Prize Plus
Treasure Magnet
Wellspring Crystal Combo Plus
Air Combo Plus
Once More
Chaos Crystal Random Ability
Secret GemRandom Ability At Max Level
Menu (Abilities)

Once a Command Skill is melded with an Ability attached to it, you can get the Ability permanently by leveling that Command Skill to its max level.

Melding Rare Commands

In some instances, certain Command Skills can produce a Rare Command when melded.

For example, in the image below, we are melding Quick Blitz and Magnera with no Synthesis material attached to produce Collision Magnet:

Meld Menu (Quick Blitz + Magnera)

However, after melding, we are given Magnet Spiral instead, which is a Rare Command that only has a 30% chance of appearing when melding Quick Blitz and Magnera. There’s even a Thunder Screen attached to it as well:

Melding Complete (Magnet Spiral With Thunder Screen)

If there is a specific command that you want to know how to get via melding or otherwise, feel free to check out our KHBBS Index!

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