Forest Maze in Super Mario RPG Walkthrough

You enter the forest maze to search for the Geno doll. This place has lots of hidden treasures as well as secrets so it can be a bit confusing. To keep things simple, Let us guide you through each area.

Forest Maze Monster Spawns

NameHitpointsAttackExperienceGold coinsWeakness

The recommended level in the forest maze is level 6. It is best to engage the enemies in the area whenever possible for you to reach at least Level 7 to make the fight with the Boss in this level much easier.

The enemies in this map are weak to Mario’s jump and fire skill but to save your Fp for tougher fights, It’s best to use timed attacks and Mallow’s thunderbolt skill to deal AoE damage to the enemy party.

Use your skills when facing Wiggler and Guerrilla since they are the only real threat here with their high Hitpoints. There are several recovery mushrooms in the area for you to replenish your hp and Fp so this shouldn’t put much strain on your healing and Fp items in your inventory.

Look for clumps of mushrooms as you explore the forest. They sometimes contain recovery mushrooms but beware of the Amanita because they disguise themselves as ordinary mushrooms.

When encountering Amanitas, Use basic attacks to defeat them since they don’t pose much of a threat to you at level 6.

Forest Maze entrance 1st Hidden Treasure Box

When you first enter the forest, Go to the left side of the entrance to the next area and jump. There is a hidden treasure box with a Kerokero Cola here. Next, move to the opposite side where you spot a mushroom and pick it up before you go deeper into the forest.

2nd Area and Frog Coin

Grab the mushroom on the ground as you make your way towards the tree stump. There is a secret frog coin here that you can get that involves the Wriggler monster and a lot of jumping.

Jump on the wriggler’s head and bounce on it 10 times to get a frog coin. You also get gold coins for each bounce. Afterward, go on top of the tree stump and press down to bring you to the cave area.

Cave Area map

You drop down from the stump into a trampoline inside the cave area. There are four clumps of mushrooms here and you should inspect them for Aminatas or mushroom items before proceeding to the next area. After clearing the place of mobs, Go to the far end of the map and look for a trampoline to take you up to the next area.

Forest Maze 2nd hidden treasure box

Forest Maze

You climb out of the tree stump after jumping on the trampoline in the previous area. Head over to the top left area and jump to reveal the 2nd treasure box in this area containing a frog coin. Clear the enemy guarding the exit and proceed to the next area.

Forest Maze Clearing

The clearing has 7 tree stumps for you to explore. Out of all these, Only 3 contain hidden treasure chests. From the entrance, Go to the tree stump where a hidden chest containing a flower tab is located and press down to enter.

Cave with 3rd hidden treasure chest (flower tab)

You enter the cave and land on a trampoline that will take you back up to the forest clearing area. From the trampoline, Go to the lower left side and look for a lighter patch of dirt on the floor. Position yourself  the middle of it and jump to reveal the hidden treasure chest with the flower tab. Grab it and make your way back to the trampoline and jump on it to bring you back to the forest clearing area once again.

 Cave with 4th treasure chest (empty)

Go inside the forest stump from the clearing to take you to the cave where the empty treasure chest is located. Move to the top right edge of the room and jump to reveal the treasure chest. jumping to grab the loot from the chest will notify you that you missed and the chest comes up empty.

No one really knows why this treasure chest is there but you should get it if you want to collect all 39 hidden treasures in the game. Afterward, jump back up the trampoline to take you to the clearing.

Cave with 5th Treasure Chest (Kerokero Cola)

Aside from the treasure chest, This is the place where you unlock a hidden path deeper into the forest maze. But before that, jump past the sleeping wiggler and be careful not to land on him and wake him up.

This is a bit tricky and once you accidentally wake up the wiggler then you won’t be able to get the treasure chest so you have to jump over him on the first try. Position yourself on the top right side of the floor and jump across him and land on the opposite side. From there, Jump behind him to reveal the hidden treasure chest containing the Kerokero Cola.

Bump into the wiggler to make the ground rumble which opens up a hidden path above and he launches you up into the surface afterward.

Forest Clearing path

You reach the clearing above and now the path past the clearing will be open. Head towards the entrance to proceed to the next area.

Forest Clearing Path to underground cave

The next path is pretty straightforward. Follow the Wiggler inside the tree stump to take you to the underground cave.

Underground cave area 1

Ignore the sleeping wiggler on the lower left side of the map unless you want to fight him for experience points. Search the mushroom clumps for mushrooms while making your way towards the exit on the lower right side of the map.

Underground cave area 2

Make your way towards the trampoline at the other end of the map. The mushroom clumps contain enemies in this area so defeat them if you haven’t reached level 7. After clearing the area of enemies head towards the trampoline and jump out of the underground cave.

Forest Maze save area

This area is where you get to save your game. Hop off the tree stump and make your way towards the middle area of the map. Save your game on the save block and continue to the exit.

Before you go inside, go to the right side of the exit and jump to reveal the hidden treasure with a red essence inside. Afterward, exit the area to get to the Maze.

Maze area to Treasure Room

Back in Rose Town, Mario helped a mushroom man activate the stairs in for his house up the cliff. He rewards you by giving you directions to a secret treasure room in the forest maze which is left, left, straight, right. Use these directions to get to the treasure room in the maze.

Maze area 1

From the save area, take the top left entrance. The directions are from Mario’s perspective so left translates to top left in the map.

Maze area 2

As you enter the next area, take another left which translates to the lower left exit.

3rd maze area

The next direction is straight. This translates to the lower left area of the map.

4th maze area

The final direction is to go right from Mario’s perspective. This translates to the upper left side entrance on the 4rth maze area. If you got it right, The next area should be the entrance to the treasure room.

Treasure room

Head towards the tree stump in the middle of the area and press down to enter the treasure room.

The treasure room has 5 chests for you to loot. Grab the items from the chests and exit the area by jumping on the trampoline on the right side of the room.

Back to save area

From here, you will have to go back to the save area before the maze starts. Do this by exiting the treasure room entrance.

In the next area, head to the bottom left exit on the map. This should take you to the save area before the maze starts.

Save your game at the save block and pick up the recovery mushroom at the opposite end of the looted chest. The next time we enter the maze, we should follow Geno as he navigates through the maze to reach the boss battle and the missing Star piece.

Maze area 1

Head to the center of the map until you spot Geno. Follow him as he takes the lower right exit to the next area.

Maze area 2

In the next area, follow Geno as he enters the top right exit.

Maze area 3

On the 3rd area, follow him straight ahead as he leaves the area using the top right exit.

Maze area 4

The 4th area is where people usually get lost. Geno moves further ahead of you and you won’t be able to see what path he took. From here, take the lower right exit to take you to the next area.

Maze area 5

In area 5, head towards the top right exit. If you are fast enough, you should be able to see him leave through the exit.

Maze area 6

In area 6, follow Geno as he takes the top left exit. This is the last maze area so feel free to clear out all the enemies before proceeding to the next area.

Forest Maze Boss Bowyer

The next area shows Mario and Mallow eavesdropping on Bowyer as he brags about using his arrows to paralyze the residents of Rose Town. One of his Flunkies managed to get a Star Piece and before you could fight, Geno shows up and fights with Bowyer and you team up with him after the cutscene.

Bowyer Boss Fight

Hitpoints720Experience points60Sp attack G’night
Attack50Gold coins50 
Defense40SpellsStatic E! 
Magic defense35 Bolt 
Magic attack30 Lightning orb 

Aside from physical attacks, Bowyer is strong against lighting. He has 3 lighting spells that he uses to target both single or multiple enemies. It is not advisable to use Mallow’s lightning skills here since it deals only minimal damage.

What makes him deadly in a fight is his ability to disable a command when he uses his attacks which means that you will be at a disadvantage if he manages to disable a command you frequently used for attacking. The command buttons are Y for special skills, X for items and A for basic and timed attacks.

His special skill G’nite can also put a party member to sleep for 1 turn or until attacked, Which could be disastrous if he puts your main damage dealer to sleep.

The best skill to use on Bowyer is Mario’s Super Jump. This deals an insane amount of damage specially if you press the Y button as soon as he lands on an opponent since it makes him attack again. Chaining this attack is very useful against all types of enemies if you know how to chain them.

Have Mallow use basic attacks on Bowyer when he is able and focus more on healing the party when the need arises. Use healing items instead of his healing skills and save the Fp for special attacks from Mario and Geno.

Have Geno use his Geno beam skill in the battle.  Using both Mario’s Super jump and Geno’s beam skill can usually end the battle in less than 10 turns. After the fight, Bowyer drops a flower jar item that increases your overall Fp.

Geno tells you about the broken star pieces and miss mission to collect them all. It is here that you find out that 7 star pieces have been scattered across the world and you need to retrieve it to repair the star road.

You now have 2 star pieces and Geno joins your party to help find the remaining 5 Star pieces. With Geno joining your party as the 3rd member, Head out towards the world map and back to Rose Town.

<<Return to Rose Town Walkthrough

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Super Mario RPG Walkthrough

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