Back to Seaside Town in Super Mario RPG Wallkthrough

You find the Elder and Residents of the town waiting for you at the entrance of Seaside Town. He reveals that He isn’t the actually the Elder and introduces himself as Yaridovich, one of Smithy’s companions.

Table of Contents

During the cutscene, he explains that he kept the real Seaside town residents inside one of the houses and created copies of them to trick you into getting the 5th Star piece for him.

Afterwards, He tells you to give up the 5th-Star piece to Him or else he might do something to the residents of Seaside town. Select “Okay” to surrender the Star-Piece to Yaridovich to keep the Residents safe.

One thing you should note is that if you choose not to give up the 5th Star Piece by selecting “Get Serious”, He orders one of his duplicates to go inside the House at the left side of the map and tickle the elder as a warning. There isn’t really much of a choice since chosing the option not to give him the Star Piece will only let him tickle the real Elder again so it’s best that you hand over the 5th-Star Piece to continue on with the story.

After you hand over the Star Piece, He immediately makes his escape towards the exit at the middle left area of the map.

Seaside Town Map (Yaridovich Fight)

As soon as Yaridovich makes his escape, go ahead and save your game at the Inn located at the lower left house. The shops are all unavailable since the residents are all locked up at the House marked Hostage location at the bottom left side of the area.

After saving your game, make your way towards the stairs at the bottom of the locked house where the hostages are located and climb up to reach the Entrance to the Boss Area where Yaridovich made his escape.

Boss Area

Another cutscene plays where Yaridovich spots you as you enter the area and tries to make a run for the ocean to escape. Before he can get into the water, Johny and a group of Bandana Blues will block his escape route and Johnny tells him that he gave the 5th Star Piece to Mario and won’t allow anyone else to have it. One of the bandana Blues suggests that Mario and his party finish Yaridovich off while the stand by and watch the fight much to Yaridovich’s delight.

Yaridovich quickly transforms to his original self which triggers a boss fight.

Boss Fight: Yaridovich

NameHitpointsAttackGold coinsExperienceWeaknessItem shop
Yaridovich mirage500100NoneNoneNoneNone

The recommended level for fighting Yaridovich is level 14. Even at higher levels, Yaridovich will be a tough opponent due to his high physical and magic attacks so planning your team composition and strategy will be important here and future boss battles from now on.

Party Setup

Aside from Mario, we recommend that you bring Mallow as your damage dealer. Mallow’s Shocker deals the highest damage to Yaridovich since the Boss is weak to lightning spells and skills. As for your 3rd party member, Have Toadstool join your team to support the party. Toadstool’s Healing spell will be important when facing Yaridovich.

 Water Blast

Yaridovich’s uses water blast every 3 turns which deals a good amount of AoE water damage to Mario and his party. He alternates this spell with flame stone or will o wisp but those are manageable since they only deal single damage to a party member.

Mirage attack

After a few turns, Yaridovich activates a spell called mirage attack. This spell creates a copy of Yaridovich in the battlefield which has its own turn and attack phase. The copy will have 500 Hitpoints and can use Yaridovich’s skill attacks so don’t let your Hitpoints drop too low or else you could be wiped out.

Yaridovich Boss Battle

At the start of the battle, Have Mallow deal Shocker to Yaridovich and use that spell every time Mallow’s turn comes. Have Mario deal Basic Attacks and timed hits while supporting with Fp items when your Fp gets too low.

Have Toadstool defend when the party is in full health and use Group Hug right after Yaridovich deals Water Blast which is pretty often in the battle. Missing a heal on her turn right after getting hit by water blast could leave your whole party to get wiped out if Yaridovich follows up with another water blast in his turn so keep healing right after receiving AoE damage.

When Yaridovich gets damaged enough times, He summons a copy of himself to join the fight.

Yaridovich auto targeting glitch

When Yaridovich’s copy is in the field, there is an easy way to know which is the real Yaridovich in battle. As soon as you select your attack or special attack in your turn, the targeting icon will always target the real Yaridovich.

Ignore the Clone completely and focus your attacks on the real Yaridovich to end the fight fast. The longer you fight with Yaridovich and his mirage on the field, the higher the chance for you to get wiped out if they both time AoE damage skills or spells in their turn.

After defeating Yaridovich, You will be given the Shed key. Use that to unlock the locked house in seaside town to free the residents in the area. Nailed to a tree is a note from Johnny who tells you about one of his henchmen spotting another of Smithy’s lieutenants in the area and warns you to be careful. Afterwards, Exit the boss area and get to the locked house where the residents are kept hostage.

After unlocking the House, Talk to the residents locked inside. After speaking with all of them, The real Elder approaches you and as a way of thanks, gives you either a Flower Box if you surrendered the 5-star piece as soon as Yaridovich asked for the Star piece, or a flower jar if Yaridovich had to persuade you to give it up by tickling the real Elder. After talking with the elder, head outside to explore Seaside town.

Seaside Town Map (after saving the residents)

Seaside Town

A number of shops will be available after saving the town from Yaridovich. It’s best to visit the weapon shop first to get more powerful weapons for your next quest as well as visit the other shops to get unique items and stock up on your inventory.

Accessories that become available after are the following:

  • Jump Shoes
  • Fearless Pin
  • Wake Up Pin
  • Antidote Pin
  • Trueform Pin

This location also has 2 notable items that you can get. Here’s the list of the items and how to get them in Seaside Town.

  1. Xp. Booster- To learn more about this accessory item, please read our guide on How to get the Xp. booster in Super Mario Rpg.
  2. How to farm for rock Candy- Another item that you can farm for in this location is Rock Candy. You can find the details on how to get an unlimited supply of Rock candies in our guide on How to get Rock Candy in Super Mario Rpg.

To Lands End

Once you’re done in this area, Head over to the Elder’s House and speak with him inside. He tells you that a monster passed by the town days ago and boasted of having a Star Piece in a place called Monstro Town.

Exit the town after speaking with the elder and look for the newly opened node to Lands End. You will have to travel through it to reach Monstro Town and the 6th Star Piece.

Continue Walkthrough to To Lands End in Super Mario RPG

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