Where to Catch Delibird in Pokémon FireRed

Delibird can be found inside Four Island’s Icefall Cave. Do Celio’s quest to get the Rainbow Pass to access Four Island. Upgrade your Pokédex into the National Dex for Delibird to appear in the wild.

Catching Delibird

Delibird is only available in the FireRed version of the game. It appears in the later stages of the game after beating the Elite Four and doing the Sevii Islands quest. You also need an updated Pokédex to record Delibird’s entry as it is originally a Johto-native Pokémon.

Four Island’s Icefall Cave is the only place to catch Delibird. It has a 20% encounter rate.

From the island Poké Center, go right until you reach the pond area. Surf across it to see the entrance to Icefall Cave and head inside.

Once inside, have your Pokémon use Surf again to get to the area where Delibird is found. Surf across the water to head inside another entrance leading into the depths of the cave.

Look for Delibird in this area. You might encounter other stronger, wild Pokémon before finding Delibird.

Delibird will be around Level 20 to 30 when found.


As it is part-Flying and part-Ice type Pokémon, Electric moves are proven effective against it. Lower its HP or inflict it with a status effect should you want, but it shouldn’t prove to be difficult to catch.

Delibird only has one move and will not learn any other moves upon leveling up. It also doesn’t have any other evolution. Despite this, Delibird is still a good addition to completing your Pokédex.

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