How To Get Zantetsuken In Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep

To get Zantetsuken, you must combine either Sonic Blade or Stopga with Dark Haze  in the Meld Menu or buy it straight from the Command Shop.

Zantetsuken is one of the best Command Skills that are exclusive to Terra and excels in dealing damage to multiple enemies at once.


  1. Obtaining Zantetsuken
  2. Best Abilities For Zantetsuken
  3. Using Zantetsuken In Combat

Obtaining Zantetsuken

Zantetsuken can be obtained in the Meld Menu by melding either of the two Command Skill combinations:

1st Command Skill Slot2nd Command Skill SlotTarget Command SkillMeld Chance
Dark HazeSonic BladeZantetsuken80%
Dark HazeStopgaZantetsuken80%
Meld Menu (Dark Haze + Stopga + Fleeting Crystal)

Keep in mind that only Terra can meld or equip Zantetsuken. Neither Ventus nor Aqua will be able to use this Command Skill in combat.

Melding Complete (Zantetsuken With Reload Boost)

You can buy the materials needed to produce Zantetsuken from any Command Shop in the World Map.

Command Shop

For instance, you can purchase Stopga for 1,200 Munny and Dark Haze for 1,100 Munny in the Command Shop, which would be the cheapest combination to buy out of the two.

Command Shop (Zantetsuken)

Alternatively, you can just purchase Zantetsuken for 1,700 Munny once you get far enough into the story.

This is the recommended option, as buying Zantetsuken would be much cheaper and more convenient compared to buying any of the materials and melding them manually.

Best Abilities For Zantetsuken

Menu (Abilities)

The best ability you need to boost Zantetsuken to its fullest potential would be Attack Haste, as it can lower the skill’s long Reload Time.

You can get the Attack Haste ability by farming and using Fleeting Crystals  as Synthesis materials when melding certain Command Skills.

Using Zantetsuken In Combat

Zantetsuken (Command Description)

Zantetsuken allows Terra to slash through multiple enemies after charging his blade with a quick, lunging slash.

Max LevelLevel 5
Reload Time20 seconds
Slots Taken1 slot
Command Gauge Refill40%

This skill is good for farming mobs of Unversed—especially if you manage to catch them in a straight line.

It is also one of the very few Command Skills that play a short, but awesome cutscene upon being executed—making it a kind of a “rare” Command Skill.

Zantetsuken In Combat

However, we recommend not using Zantetsuken when fighting bosses in general. The casting time of this skill is quite long, which makes it prone to being canceled.

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