Best Place To Level Up Commands In Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep

The best place to level up your Commands is the Reactor area in the Radiant Garden map, since this place is also the best place to level up your characters

Not only are there plenty of Unversed that you can farm here for Command Skill EXP, but they’re also tough enough that they give away a lot of character EXP as well.

In short, farming Command levels in this location is like hitting two birds with one stone!


Where And How To Farm Command Skill EXP (Step-By-Step)

The first step is to find the Radiant Garden in the World Map, then select Castle Town as your target destination.

Radiant Garden (Castle Town)

After you arrive in Castle Town, you’ll have to go north to the Fountain Court, then go west towards the Aqueduct. Once there, move further south, then go east:

Radiant Garden (Map Highlights)

There, you’ll find the Reactor where two waves of multiple top-tier Unversed are waiting for you—provided you’ve already beaten the boss that spawns there after progressing the story.

Reactor (Enemy Mobs Highlighted)

To spawn the mobs, you’ll have to run to the center of the zone. If you’re using EXP Chance to farm character EXP as well, you may want to get back out of your enemies’ range just to avoid absorbing HP Prizes on accident.

You don’t have to run all the way to the back, but make sure all enemies have spawned before casting an offensive AoE Command Skill.

Aqua Uses Max-Level Mega Flare In Combat

We highly recommend using one or two copies of Mega Flare for this—especially if you’re also farming character EXP, as its combined damage and range are quite hard to beat.

Level Up Commands

Command Level Up! (Mega Flare x3)

And voila—you now have the perfect place to power-level your Commands!

For reference, leveling up Mega Flare to its maximum level (Level 6) from Level 1 takes only about three to five minutes if you farm in this place. Now, that’s a lotta levels!

Three Tips To Follow When Leveling Up Command Skills

Here are some of the best tips that you need to keep in mind while leveling Commands in Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep.

TIP #1: Try Not To Fill Your Deck With Max-Level Command Skills

Optimal Command Deck (Comparison)

Always swapping out Commands on your Command Deck will ensure that you’re not wasting any Command EXP, as opposed to just leaving several max-level Commands there.

You don’t have to necessarily swap out all of your max-level Commands. Keeping uptothree of them while replacing the rest with underleveled Commands is optimal.

As for what max-level Commands to keep, high-damage AoE Command Skills like Salvation , Meteor , and Raging Storm  should be excellent for farming Unversed.

TIP #2: Meld, Meld, And Meld Some More

Meld Menu (Firaga + Aeroga)

If you want to get all the cool, high-level Commands in the game, then you’ll have to meld a lot—especially during the early game where you don’t have that many Commands.

You can meld new Commands by either buying or looting low-level Commands and then leveling them up by using the step-by-step guide we included above.

Remember, grinding levels for lower-level Commands and then melding them to create stronger Commands is the key to clearing the game, especially on higher difficulties.

TIP #3: Optimize Your Abilities

Menu (Abilities)

While leveling up your Commands, there are a few abilities that can help you improve your farming efficiency, such as:

Recommended AbilitiesDescriptionRequired Crystal
Magic HasteDecreases the Reload Time of all Magic-type Commands.Fleeting Crystal
Attack HasteDecreases the Reload Time of all Attack-type Commands.Fleeting Crystal
Thunder / Fire / Blizzard BoostIncreases the damage that your Thunder / Fire/ Blizzard-type Commands deal to enemies.Shimmering Crystal

Abilities that improve your overall DPS will decrease the amount of time you need to level up a Command to max level, so make sure to prioritize them!

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