Pipe Vault to Yo’ster Isle for Super Mario RPG Walkthrough

 As soon as you leave the Forest Maze, Head back to the inn at Rose Town and speak with Gaz. He runs and calls his mom to see the full-sized Geno and the party explains the quest to find the missing Star Pieces scattered in the world.

After speaking with Gaz, He gives Geno the Finger Shot weapon equipment and wishes him good luck on his journey. Slot the weapon equipment to Geno before leaving the town and head out to the world map.

Pipe Vault Monster Spawns

NameHitpointsExperience gainedGold coinsItem drops
Shy Ranger300200None
Sparky (lava bubble)12041None
Piranha plant16855Maple Syrup

Please view the Mushroom Way walkthrough for details and strategies for Goomba mobs as well as Bandit’s Way walkthrough for Frogog and Spikey stats and attacks strategies.

One thing you have to watch out for here are groups of piranha plants. They have 2 skills that can either morph you into a scarecrow which reduces your magic and basic attack damage as well as lowering your physical defense and the sleep skill that puts you to sleep until you get attacked. The Trueform and wake up pins are useful to nullify these effects on this level.

One enemy that makes it’s first appearance here in the game is the Shy Ranger. Consider him as a bonus opponent since he gives 20 experience points if you manage to defeat him. Unfortunately, He is hard to kill since he usually starts the first move in the battle phase and will almost always escape when given the chance.

Using status effect skills or items like sleep, poison or burn will make him stay in the fight if you manage to hit him first. Also using a Yoshi Cookie will turn him into a Kerokero Cola so that’s something to keep in mind when facing him.

From Pipe Vault to Yo’ster Isle

The Pipe Vault has a number of hidden treasures in the area for you to get items and frog coins. There is also a mini game that you can unlock as well as the secret area of Yo’ster Isle which can only be accessed on this map.

Main Area

Go inside the pipe from the surface to take you to the pipe vault main area. This area is optional but it is best to unlock the secret area early to make Yoshi cookies available in the game.

When you get down to the vault, cross the lava by jumping on the pillars to take you to the next area. Be careful of the jumping fireballs here as you jump across each pillar. Head over to the right edge of the map to transition to the next area.

There will be a Goomba patrolling the area as you enter. You can either avoid them or wipe them out with basic attacks since Goombas at this point won’t be a problem for you. Head over to the last pipe on the right and use that to take you to the next area.

Pipe Room

The next area has 6 pipes for you to choose from. Since we will be going back here several times, Let’s call this the Pipe Room. The first pipe on your left is where you enter the area. Head towards the 2nd pipe in front of you to take you to the next area which has some hidden treasures for you to get.

You fall from above to the next area. Here, jump to the edge of the platform to reveal a yellow hidden platform. Use it to get to the platform above and the hidden treasure chests.

Jump to reveal the hidden treasure chests at the 2nd platform. You can collect a frog coin from each of the hidden treasure chests here. The chest at the end contains a flower which you should get afterward. Do not jump off the platform just yet and backtrack towards the starting area and grab the coins below. As for the frog coin below, There is a simple technique to get it.

Execute a running slide to grab the frog coin in this area. To do this, Hold the Y button to run and run towards the frog coin as you grab the gold coins along the way. As you get near the end of the platform, Press and hold the down arrow for Mario to duck. If you time this right, You will end up sliding through the low space and stop at the opposite side.

When you’re done collecting everything, Jump on the trampoline to take you back to the Pipe Room.

You head back on top of the 4th pipe in the pipe room. Take the 5th pipe in front of you and enter it to get to the Goomba Mini game for additional items and frog coins.

Goomba Mini Game

The mini-game is called Goomba Thumping. It plays a lot like Whack-a-Mole from The Arcade. You pay 10 gold coins to participate and jump on the heads of Goombas as they poke out from the 4 pipes in the room. You could earn a frog coin in this game by beating your high score three times.

The challenge length is 30 seconds. On your first playthrough, try to get at least 20 coins and stop jumping until the timer reaches zero. Remember, To get the succeeding prizes you must beat your high score by 2 points to get another prize so going full out at the start of the challenge sets the high score for you to beat.

The regular-looking Goombas give you 1 point each while the golden ones give you 3 points. Be careful of the Spikey who randomly spawns from the pipe since jumping on them makes you lose 1 point each time you step on them.

Getting 20 points gives you a flower tab. The next challenge is at 24 points which rewards you with a flower jar and the frog coin reward is at 26 points. You could also try to go for 28 points which rewards you with a frog coin and this reward is given every time you beat the high score by 2 points. When you are done playing the mini-game, take the trampoline on the right side of the area to take you back to the pipe room.

Now head to the last pipe at the end of the room to your right and enter it to take you to the next area.

Exit Pipe Room

The next area is a long corridor with several Goombas guarding the area. Jump past them and make your way to the right side of the map and enter the pipe to take you to the next area.

The next area is where you will have to navigate through the orange pipes as you make your way across to the exit at the end of the room to your right. Wait for the piranha plant to go back inside the pipe and jump on it. They won’t go out once you are stepping on top of the pipe so take your time and jump over the nippers until you reach the green pipe in the end.

In the next area, Jump on top of the vertically moving platform to reach the chest above. Jump to grab a flower and make your way to the right side of the room.

Further in, You come across a moving platform with a row of nippers below. Jump on top of the moving platform and jump again when you get below the floating chest to grab a gold coin. Do this about two times then jump across and head inside the pipe to the next area.

This area lets you save your game before entering Yo’ster Isle. Before saving, move to the top left part of the map opposite the save block and jump to reveal the hidden treasure chest with a frog coin in it. After saving your game, Head over to the exit at the bottom left corner of the map area.

Yo’ster Isle

Head to the bottom left side of the map area and look for Yoshi standing by the huts. You won’t be able to understand all the other dinosaurs in the area without Yoshi translating for you. After speaking with him, He asks you to hop on his back as you lead him to talk to the other dinosaurs in the area.

Next, Go back to the entrance and talk to the 2nd pink Dino near the Goal line. She asks you if you can beat the current mushroom derby champion Boshi today. Pick “Of Course” for her to give you 3 cookies which you will use for the derby race.

Take the cookies to Boshi who is standing outside one of the huts at the start of the race course. You will have to beat him 1 on 1 in the race. After reading through the game mechanics start the race to unlock Yoshi’s Cookies in the game.

In the race, tap the A and B buttons and time it to the beat of the music. This may take a bit of practice but once you get the timing down, You will be able to finish the race.

After winning the Mushroom Derby Boshi rewards you with a cookie stash. You can use these cookies in battle or to make a fat Yoshi. To learn more about what to do with the cookies please read How to Get Fat Yoshi in Super Mario RPG.

Afterward, Go to the start of the race course at the bottom left corner of the map and take the path to exit the Isle, and go back to the world map.

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Super Mario RPG Walkthrough

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