Where to Catch Wooper in Pokémon FireRed & Leafgreen

You can catch Wooper on Four Island by the patch of water outside Icefall Cave, and in Six Island’s Ruin Valley. Upgrade your Pokédex and finish Celio’s quest for Wooper to appear in the wild.

Catching Wooper

Wooper can only be found in the Sevii Islands, namely Four Island and Six Island. For Six Island, Wooper can be found in Ruin Valley.

Wooper is one of the few Johto native Pokémon appearing only in the FireRed version of the game. You can get Wooper in your LeafGreen game by trading with a friend.

To catch Wooper, travel to Four Island where Icefall Cave is located.

Head east towards the small patch of water leading to the cave. Have your Pokémon use Surf on it.

Surf around this small area, going back and forth until you encounter Wooper. You’ll find it soon enough as it has a high encounter rate of 70%. It will be around Level 10 to 15 when found.

catch wooper

Wooper is a part-Water and part-Ground type Pokémon. It is weak against Grass and strong against Fire-types. Catch Wooper as you would any ordinary Pokémon as it is not a challenge to bag thanks to its lower level.

Wooper has a very limited move set upon capturing. Despite that, it can still learn powerful elemental moves when leveled up or evolved. It learns Earthquake, a Ground-type move at Level 36, and Mist, an Ice-type move at Level 51.

Wooper has another evolution called Quagsire.

Raise Wooper to reach Level 20 for it to evolve.

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