How to Find Sneasel in Pokémon LeafGreen

You can find Sneasel in Four Island’s Icefall Cave. The only requirement to encounter Sneasel in the wild is to update your Pokédex into the National Dex and accomplish Celio’s side mission on the gemstones to get a Ruby Pass for Four Island.

Getting to Icefall Cave

The only location in-game where you can find Sneasel is in Four Island’s Icefall Cave.

From the island Poké Center, head right past Lorelei’s house and have your Pokémon use Surf on the small body of water present on the island.

Cross the pond and head into the cave entrance to find yourself inside Icefall Cave.

Once inside, use Surf again to head into another area of the cave. Sneasel can only be found in the next area and not in the areas past the cave waterfall.

Catching Sneasel

When you reach the area with the icy floors, start walking around to encounter Sneasel. You might encounter a lot of stronger wild Pokémon before you encounter Sneasel as it only has a 5% encounter rate.


Sneasel is part-Dark and part-Ice type Pokémon, making it weak against Fire, Rock and Steel-type Pokémon, among others. It will be around Level 25 to 30 when found, so it shouldn’t be too hard to capture.

When caught, Sneasel has the following move set. At Levels 50, 57 and 64, it learns strong and unique moves such as Slash, Beat Up and Metal Claw, respectively.

Sneasel is one of the few Johto-native Pokémon that start appearing in-game after progressing the storyline. This is in part of upgrading your Pokédex into the National Pokédex which enables you to record the entries of cross-regional Pokémon species.

Sneasel is only available in the LeafGreen version of the games. You can get a Sneasel for your FireRed game but only through trading for it. Take note that Sneasel does not evolve in either of the games.

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