How To Get Munny Magnet In Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep

To get Munny Magnet, you have to combine Magnera with either wishing Edge or Thundara in the Meld Menu or just purchase a copy of it from the Command Shop once it’s unlocked.

Munny Magnet is one of Aqua’s utility-type exclusive Command Skills. It doesn’t damage enemies upon use, but instead steals their Munny and sends them to Aqua.


  1. Obtaining Munny Magnet
  2. Best Abilities For Munny Magnet
  3. Using Munny Magnet In Combat

Obtaining Munny Magnet

To obtain Munny Magnet from the Meld Menu, you need to use any of the following Command Skill combinations:

1st Command Skill Slot2nd Command Skill SlotTarget Command SkillMeld Chance
MagneraWishing EdgeRaging Storm100%
MagneraThundaraRaging Storm100%
Meld Menu (Magnera + Wishing Edge + Secret Gem)

Only Aqua can meld the Command Skills listed in the table above to create Munny Magnet.

You will not have access to this Command Skill if you’re playing as either Terra or Ventus.

Munny Magnet
Melding Complete (Munny Magnet With Combo Plus)

If you don’t have the materials required to meld Munny Magnet, remember that you can just buy them from the Command Shop.

The cheapest combination you can buy from the Command Shop would be Magnera (550 Munny) and Wishing Edge  (550 Munny).

Command Shop

You can also take the cheaper option and buy Munny Magnet straight from the Command Shop for 800 Munny instead of buying the materials and melding it yourself.

Command Shop (Munny Magnet)

Some items in the Command Shop need to be unlocked by playing through the story, but buying Munny Magnet is more convenient as you won’t have to level up materials that way!

Best Abilities For Munny Magnet

Menu (Abilities)

The two best abilities that you need to get for Munny Magnet are Magic Haste (for lower Reload Time) and Treasure Magnet (for easier collection of Munny).

You can get Magic Haste  by farming and using Fleeting Crystals  as the Synthesis material when melding certain Command Skills, and Hungry Crystals  for Treasure Magnet.

Using Munny Magnet In Combat

Command Description (Munny Magnet)

Munny Magnet allows Aqua to steal the Munny that any Unversed have in her vicinity—all without dealing any damage to them.

ParametersMunny Magnet
Max LevelLevel 4
Reload Time20 seconds
Slots Taken1 slot
Command Gauge Refill15%
Munny Magnet In Combat

While it is not meant for offense by any means, Munny Magnet is still a fantastic Command Skill to have.

You can make the most of this skill by farming Munny from mobs without even fighting them! This comes especially in handy if you only want to farm Munny and not EXP.

Just don’t use Munny Magnet when going against bosses, as you’ll be left vulnerable to enemy attacks given the skill’s long channeling time.

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