All About Grass-Type Pokémon: Strengths, Weaknesses and Strategies in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen

Most people overlook Grass Pokémon thinking they’re only for support playstyles, but Grass Pokémon have interesting strengths and abilities not present in other Pokémon types. Don’t have a Grass Pokémon in your line-up? Read more below to know why Grass Pokémon are a must-have!

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Grass Pokémon Strengths

Grass Pokémon are super effective against Ground, Rock and Water-type Pokémon. Grass-type moves deal twice the damage to these types, while the rest of the other Pokémon types receive normal damage points.

Having a Grass Pokémon use a Grass-type move also increases the power of their attack thanks to STAB or Same Type Attack Bonus. This raises the damage to up to 3x than normal. When used on Pokémon weak against grass, the attack can go up to 4x stronger.

Grass-type Pokémon are also resistant to Electric, Ground and Water-type Pokémon, meaning the damage is halved on them with these elemental attacks.

They’re also known for their wide variety of move sets that can inflict different kinds of status ailments. Poison, paralysis and sleep are just some of the ailments that Grass Pokémon can easily inflict, making them ideal as support Pokémon. Some Pokémon may have more status-inflicting moves than offensive moves, for example.

Some of the names of the moves are varied, but Poisonpowder and Toxic, for example, can inflict poison on enemies which drain their HP over time.

Stun Spore causes paralysis on foes while Spore and Sleep Powder, as its name, causes your opponents to fall asleep for a couple of turns.

Grass Pokémon Weakness

That said, Grass Pokémon also have a number of weaknesses. This includes Bug, Fire, Flying, Ice and Poison Pokémon and their attacks. Grass Pokémon is tied with Rock-types in terms of having a lot of type disadvantages. This can be pretty tricky if your Grass Pokémon doesn’t have spectacular defenses.

You can counter these weaknesses by making sure you have another Pokémon of a different type to switch out anytime, or you can train your Grass Pokémon to beef up their defenses through EV training. You can read more about EV training here.

Dual-type Grass Pokémon

Most Grass Pokémon in the game are dual types, some being primarily Grass while others secondary. Fun fact: there’s only one pure Grass-type Pokémon in Kanto and it’s Tangela.


The most common type combinations for Grass Pokémon are those who are part-Grass and part-Poison. Some notable examples of part-Grass and part-Poison Pokémon are Bulbasaur and all its evolutions, Oddish and all its evolutions, Bellsprout and all of its evolutions, to name a few.

Part-Grass and part-Psychic Pokemon also exist in the region, as evident by Exeggutor.

There are also secondary Grass-type Pokémon. Paras and Parasect are classified as Bug Pokémon first, with their second type classification being Grass type.

Exclusive Abilities

There are three unique abilities for Grass Pokémon in the FireRed and LeafGreen versions of the game.

The first ability, Overgrow, is exclusive to Bulbasaur as a Grass-type starter. It powers up all Grass-type moves when Bulbasaur’s HP is low.

Chlorophyll raises a Grass Pokémon’s speed when the weather is sunny.

Lastly, Effect Spore may inflict poison, paralysis or sleep to foes when the Pokémon is hit with a physical attack.

Grass-type Pokémon are really great additions to any Pokémon party. While they might have a lot more weaknesses than other types, they make up for it with their unique move sets that can cause status ailments toward opponents. Still not sure which Grass Pokémon to add to your line-up? Read up on the Top 5 Best Grass Pokémon in the game to make your choice!

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