Star Hill in Super Mario RPG Walkthrough

You arrive at the base of Star Hill to investigate the rumors’ about the Star sighting. Star Hill is split into 4 Areas and has a number of new enemies for you to fight. To travel to the different areas in this level, You will have to unlock Star Gates by interacting with the unlit flowers in the area to open up the gates.

How to unlock Star Gates

Star Hill

Each area (with the exception of the entrance) will have a star gate that you need to unlock for you to proceed to the next level. You will have to search for the unlit flowers which are scattered around the place and light them up for the Star gate to unlock.

To keep things simple, we will be showing you how many unlit flowers you need to look for in each area on their section of the walkthrough.

Wish Star

Another thing to look out for is the sparkling wish stars. These stars contain the wishes of people in the world. You can only view the wishes of unfulfilled wish stars. They’re the ones with the smiley face on them.

Although finding these wish stars do not have an impact on the game overall, It’s still fun to read the aspirations of the the people who made these wishes. There’s even a wish star from Luigi and Mallow who gets angry once you see his wish.

Enemies in the Area

NameHitpointsAttackGold coinsExperienceWeaknessItem drop
Mukumuku1086018FireMaple syrup
Pulsar69751215FirePick me up
Sackit152703020NoneRoyal syrup

The recommended level when facing the enemies here in Star Hill is 10. Star Hill introduces 4 new enemies in the game with 1 of them being exclusive to this area only. Aside from Sackit, the enemies here are weak to fire so having Mario spam his fire skills on them will make the fights a lot easier provided you have enough Fp items to spare.


Mukumuku spawns only in Star Hill. They throw items at you and depending on the item it throws, they sometimes deal status effects. Their damage are weak though and it’s better not to waste your Fp on special skills when facing them. Use basic attacks and timed hits to dispatch them and take them out last when facing a mixed party of enemies.


Pulsar can be difficult especially if you don’t finish them off quickly. They tend to self destruct and deal a lot of damage if it hits. Luckily its accuracy isn’t high so you could easily evade the attacks or block some of their damage when timed right. When facing a group with 1 or 2 Pulsars, target them first to save you the trouble of using health items after the battle.


Geckos are troublesome to face with a full party. Their poison skill deals 10 damage per turn which can be painful in prolonged battles. Top it off, They also tend to flee mid game which lowers your exp and gold coin gain after the fight. Be sure to target them at the start of the battle to make the fights a lot easier.


Sackit are elusive enemies that carry good gold coin rewards. They’re incredibly fast and tend to flee at the start of the battle so the chances of defeating a lot of them is quite low. When facing Sackit in a party, try taking them down first  by using basic attacks or Mario’s jump attacks before targeting other enemies.

If Sackit keeps getting away, Another strategy you can use is slotting the zoom shoes on Geno and have him use Geno Whirl while inflicting perfect damage. It’s a good time to practice dealing perfect damage with Geno Whirl in this level because of the number of easy spawns here.

To learn more about how to deal maximum damage with Geno Whirl, You can read about it in our guide on How to deal 9999 Geno Whirl damage in Super Mario Rpg.

Star Hill


As soon as you enter Star Hill, there will be 2 Star Gates for you to choose from. The Star Gate on your right will lead you back to Marrymore. Take the left Star Gate to take you further in.

Area 1

The 1st area has 5 unlit flowers for you to interact with. Mukumuku will be spawning from the ground and an occasional Sackit will be patrolling the area. Ignore the enemies here since their party will consist of only 2 to 3 enemies per battle. If you want to grind some levels, it’s best you do it at Area 2 or 3 for maximum results.

Area 2

There are 6 unlit flowers in this area for you to activate to unlock the Star Gate to Area 3. This is also a good place for you to grind some levels since the enemy spawns here consists of up to 4 to 5 enemies per party. After grinding some levels and gold coins in this area, proceed to Area 3.

Area 3

After lighting the 6 flowers in the Area, Don’t forget to get the 4th Star Piece located at top mid area of the map.

4th Star Piece

After securing the 4th Star piece in Star Hill, you will only have to collect 3 more to repair the Star road. Head towards the Star Gate to take you back to the world map and visit the next unlocked area which is Seaside Town.

Continue Walkthrough to Seaside Town in Super Mario RPG

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