Mushroom Way in Super Mario RPG Walkthrough

Mushroom Way is the third unlockable area of the world map in Super Mario Rpg. This is also the first area where you can earn Experience Points and serves as a training ground for timed hits and timed defense in battle.

After Speaking with Toad in Mario’s Pad, He Suggests You visit the Chancellor of Mushroom Kingdom to tell them about the princess’s abduction. You will have to go through Mushroom Way to reach the Mushroom Kingdom and the Chancellor.

Navigating through Mushroom Way

Mushroom Way

Mushroom Way has 3 areas for you to explore. Follow the dirt path and hit the Jump Boxes from below to earn coins and save Toad who gets kidnapped by the enemy before you get to the next area.

Enemies in Mushroom Way

Enemy TypeNameHitpointsExperience gainedGold CoinsLoot Item %5 ChanceLoot Item %25 Chance
MobSky Troopa1011 Mushroom
MobSpikey2011Honey Syrup 
Area BossHammer Bros.50310Flower JarFlower Jar

Here are the list of enemies you encounter in Mushroom Way. Goombas and Sky Troopas can be found in all areas while Spikey and the Hammer Bros. Are at area 3.

Mushroom Way Area 1

Upon first entering the area, you will be greeted by a group of Goombas patrolling the path. Head straight for them to earn your first experience points in the game.

The enemies here will be  groups of up to three Goombas in a party and further ahead, Sky Troopers will be guarding the path to the  jump box  areas. 

Do timed hits by pressing the A button a second time as soon as Mario’s punch connects. This will make him attack a second time to increase your damage.

When the enemy attacks, press the A button once you hear the sound of their attacks connecting to do timed defense. This decreases the damage you take from their attacks.

Use these attack and defense  pattern against all the enemies in Super Mario Rpg. You can easily one shot Goombas even at level 1 but be careful when facing 3 of them in a party. You might find yourself dying once you face a series of them without replenishing your life points.

Although having less health than Goombas, the Sky Troopa takes less damage due to it’s tough shell. When facing two of them in a battle, focus on one Sky Troopa at a time. You will need to connect 2 timed hits or 3 normal attacks to kill them.

Clear the area of enemies up to the first jump box. When there are no enemies in sight, position yourself below the box, jump and hit it 5 times to get 5 coins.

The second box is up ahead. Clear the Sky Troopa and Goombas patrolling the area and grab 8 coins of loot from the second jump box. Head over to the left of the path and free Toad from the Goombas ambushing him.

The fight is nothing special. Two Goombas will face you and you can defeat them with ease. Afterwards, Toad gives you a Honey Syrup which is an item that replenishes 10 flower points when used and moves on ahead. Follow him through the entrance to the next area.

Mushroom Way Area 2

Area 2 of Mushroom way will teach you about rotating flowers, the recovery flower, flower tab and the recovery mushroom.

Goombas and sky Troopas will be guarding this area. As you start exploring, you will find Toad captured once again. This time it’s by a Sky Troopa who has flown him up on the mountain.

Clear the enemies around rotating red flower and jump on top of it. The flower will be rotating you as you stand on it so time your jump where your character is facing to propel yourself up towards the mountains.

Face the mountain to your right and jump up to save Toad once again. Like the first encounter, the enemy guarding him are just normal sky Troopas so use your timed attacks and defense here. Afterwards, Toad thanks you and gives you a flower tab item which adds 1 flower points to your maximum flower power.

Go back to the red rotating flower and this time, jump towards the mountain to your left. Look for the jump box in the area and loot it to get the Flower.

The mountain at the top is optional, head there to get ambushed by a group of Goombas hiding behind the trees. Go there to grab an easy 3 experience from the Goombas then clear the remaining area of mobs.

After clearing the enemies in the area, Make your way to the last jump box at the exit of the area to your right. Once you go near the jump box, A group of Goombas will ambush you from their hiding spot by the trees. Finish your battle with them first before grabbing the loot on the last jump box which gives you a Recovery mushroom which heals all your Hitpoints and flower points before going to the next area.

Mushroom Way Area 3

The path in area 3 splits into two ways. You can take either path and clear as many mobs as you want to gain experience. We recommend you reach level 3 here before engaging the boss.

This area introduces a new enemy for you called Spikey. He spawns from the cloud monster who drops them into the ground in this area. Spikey’s party will sometimes consist of a mix of Sky Troopas or Goombas. Focus on them first before taking on Spikey. It usually takes 3 timed hits or 4 to 5 regular attacks to kill him so watch your health points.

Once you reach level 3, Head over to the right and face the boss guarding the exit on your right. Toad gets captured again and warns you about the Hammer Bros who waits for you to make your move.

Boss Fight: The Hammer Bros.

The Pair of Hammer Bros have 50 Hitpoints each. This is the perfect time for you to practice your Jump skill on them. Their special attack, Hammer Throw can deliver up to 7 Hitpoints of damage so use timed defense to lower the damage output from them.

Concentrate on one boss at a time. Using timed jumps on a boss can kill the first boss after 2 hits. When you do this, The second boss will use a skill called Valor Up which raises his defense.

From here, you could use a honey syrup to replenish your flower points and do 2 more timed jumps then finish off with a timed attack or go for timed attacks until you defeat him. It usually takes 4 to 5 timed attacks for this so be mindful of your health as you battle.

After the boss battle, You get a flower Jar that adds an extra 3 flower points to your maximum flower power and they leave behind a hammer in the ground. Toad drags it towards you and tells you to use it to make future fights more easier. After you equip your first weapon, Head towards the exit to reach the Mushroom Kingdom.

Continue to Mushroom Kingdom Walkthrough >>

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