How to get the B’tub ring in Super Mario RPG

You can get the B’tub ring at the item shop in Marrymore Hotel for 145 gold coins. It is an Accessory Item that gives 50% defense against elemental attacks when equipped.

Aside from the elemental defense perk, The B’tub ring is also one of the key items to unlock a hidden skill called Lamb’s Lure if you slot the ring accessory to Princess Toadstool and have her use the Mystery Egg 10 times in battle.

To learn more about how to unlock Lamb’s Lure and get the Mystery Egg, You can get the details in our guide How to get the Mystery Egg in Super Mario Rpg.


Where to get the B’tub Ring in Super Mario Rpg

The B’tub ring becomes available once you gain access to Marrymore. From the entrance, head to the Marrymore Hotel item shop at the left side of the map.

Talk to the man with the green headband behind the counter. Since this place doubles as a hotel and an item shop, select the option to buy things from him in the conversation. Select the B’tub ring from the shop inventory and buy it for 145 gold coins.

How to use the B’tub ring

B'tub ring

To use the ring, slot it on your accessory tab. The item description is vague and won’t tell you the boosts you get from it but it halves elemental damage when equipped which is useful against enemies with high elemental attacks or skills like shocker or thunderbolt.

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