Where to Catch Qwilfish in Pokémon FireRed

Qwilfish can be found in the waters surrounding Sevii Island’s Fifth Island. Head to the Five Isle Meadow towards the water and use a Fishing Rod on the shore to catch Qwilfish.

Catching Qwilfish

Qwilfish can be found in the waters around Five Island and is only available in the FireRed version of the game. Some requirements for Qwilfish to appear in the wild include upgrading your Pokédex into the National Dex and doing the Sevii Islands quest of helping Celio.

From the island Poké Center, head to your right towards Five Isle Meadow.

Keep to your right until you reach the area with water. Qwilfish can only be encountered by using fishing rods and not by surfing across the water. Make sure you have any of the available rods in the game, although a Good Rod and Super Rod increase your chances of encountering Qwilfish by up to 40%.

Cast your rod and wait for a nibble.

You might encounter some Gyarados or some Horsea before you see Qwilfish, but it will appear soon enough.

Qwilfish is part-Water and part-Poison type Pokémon. It is weak against Electric and Grass attacks. When encountered, it will be at around Level 20 to 30, so it shouldn’t prove to be a huge challenge to catch.


When caught, Qwilfish has the following move set. When leveled up to Level 37, it can learn the powerful Water move Hydro Pump.

Qwilfish is one of the few Johto Pokémon who start appearing in the wild in the game’s later stages. Although Qwilfish does not evolve in this game, it is still worthwhile to catch to add to your Pokédex collection.

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