Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep: Complete Command Board Guide

The Command Board is one of Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep’s many side content and is a completely different type of game mode from the base game.

It is a board game similar to Monopoly, where you must reach a certain amount of points (GP) to win.

You can get various commands and items by playing the Command Board, as well as some Medals that you can use to purchase items from the Mirage Arena ‘s Medal Shop.


  1. How To Access The Command Board
  2. How To Play The Command Board
  3. Five Ways To Earn GP In The Command Board
  4. All Command Board Command Cards & Effects
  5. All Command Board Panels
  6. All Command Boards
  7. How To Win Command Board Games (Basic Mechanics & Tips)

How To Access The Command Board

There are two ways that you can access the Command Board.

The first method is to open your Menu either in a save point or in the World Map, then go to your Command Board page:

Menu > Command Board

Note that the Command Board button will be grayed out and cannot be clicked if you are not in the World Map or at a save point when you open your Menu!

Menu (Command Board Interface)

The second method is to access the Command Board through the Mirage Arena.

Mirage Arena > New Event > Command Board

Here, you can play the Command Board either online with other players or offline with AI-controlled opponents.

Mirage Arena (Command Board Interface)

You can get rewards such as Commands and Arena Medals depending on where you access the Command Board.

How To Play The Command Board

Game Start (“Shuffle The Playing Order?” Prompt)

At the start of the game, the order of all the players’ turns will be decided. While playing offline, you can decide whether you go first or shuffle the play order.

If you play online, however, the players’ turns are automatically shuffled.

Secret Board (All Players At Start Panel)

During your turn, you can either Roll the dice or play a Hand. Rolling the dice allows you to move around the board, while playing a Hand allows you to activate Command Card effects that give you an advantage.

Once you roll the dice, your turn ends, and you move to another panel based on your dice roll. All panel types and their effects will be discussed further below in this guide!

Secret Board (GP Goal = 50,000 GP)

You can win a Command Board game by accumulating the required GP and then going back to the Start Panel, where all players begin their turns.

Aside from the Start Panel, all Command Boards are made up of several other panels that you can land on, but the order and structure of the panels differ based on which board you’re currently playing.

Place A Command Card (240 GP Required)

GP is the currency you use in the Command Board. It allows you to set down Command Cards on a panel, upgrade panels you own, and even buy other players’ Command Cards from under them. 

The first five Command Cards on your Hand upon entering a Command Board game vary depending on which board you’re playing, but you can always add more to your Hand by either buying them or getting them for free when you land on certain panels.

There are several ways that you can earn GP, such as collecting tolls whenever your opponents land on a panel you own, landing on a Checkpoint Panel, or even activating a Special Panel effect!

Keep in mind that you can also lose GP by falling into traps set by other players or landing on Damage Panels.

Secret Board Cleared (50,000 GP Reached)

So, in a nutshell, all Command Board games revolve around you accumulating enough GP and protecting your GP from other players until you get back to the Start Panel.

Each Command Board you unlock is different from the next in terms of panel composition and board size, so the challenge comes with adapting your strategy to fit the board you’re currently playing in.

All Command Board Controls & Features

Highlighted below are the key controls and features you’ll encounter whenever you play a Command Board game:

Command Board (Key Features Highlighted)

1RollAllows you to roll a dice which determines the panels you’ll land on every turn.
2HandAllows you to use various Command Cards that have unique effects. Your starting Command Cards are determined by the Command Skills you currently have equipped on your Command Deck.
3StatsAllows you to see the amount of GP, panels, and cards each player has, as well as the current standings.
4OptionsAllows you to change the walking speed and the message speed, as well as visit the Help section of the Command Board. You can also either save the game for later by picking the “Take A Break” option or just end the game entirely by picking the “End Game” option.
5Spending GP & Total GPShows you the Spending GP (above) and Total GP (below) of every player in the game. Spending GP are the GP that players can spend on panel purchases, tolls, and panel upgrades, while the Total GP is the sum of a player’s assets—owned panels and Spending GP included.
6Command Board MapShows you the overall layout of the Command Board and what types of panels there are.

Five Ways To Earn GP In The Command Board

These are the five main ways that you can earn GP while playing on any map in the Command Board:

Method #1: Set Command Cards In Command Panels Or Bonus Panels

Setting A Command Card On A Command Panel

One of the easiest ways to earn GP is to set Command Cards on Command Panels, as Command Panels always take up the most space in any board you play in.

Doing this will allow you to collect tolls from opposing players that land on that panel, which adds up over time as you continue to buy more panels and upgrade them.

Command Panel Acquired

The amount of GP that your opponents have to pay depends on the level and type of Command Card you laid down.

The higher the level and the better the quality of the Command Card, the higher the toll you can collect.

Method #2: Activate Command Card Effects

Hand (Joker’s Fortune)

Using some Command Card effects from your Hand allows you to potentially either earn GP outright or boost the amount of GP you gain.

These GP-friendly Command Card effects include:

  • GP Magnet
  • Double Toll
  • Joker’s Fortune
  • Golden Fortune

Another useful Command Card effect that doesn’t give you GP, but prevents it from decreasing instead is GP Protector, which we highly recommend you use more often out of all the other effects in the game.

Earning GP is easy after all, but keeping it safe from being stolen by other players, Damage Panels, or even Captain Dark is a different matter entirely!

Method #3: Land On A Special Panel

Special Panel (Fantasia)

Some Special Panel effects also give you GP or allow you to steal GP from other players. Here are some examples:

  • Captain Justice
  • Fantasia
  • Hunny Hunt
  • Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo
  • Gigawatt Jolt
Fantasia Activated (+600 GP)

Aside from Captain Justice, all the other Special Panel effects can only be activated within their respective boards.

Method #4: Pass Through Checkpoint Panels Or The Start Panel

Checkpoint Bonus Obtained (+1,000 GP)

Another good way to earn GP is to pass through Checkpoint Panels. You also pick up one Command Card for free for every Checkpoint Panel you pass, which is a great bonus!

Once you’ve passed through all four Checkpoint Panels, you can then return to the Start Panel to collect even more GP, as well as completely restock your Hand with Command Cards.

Method #5: Land On A GP Booster Panel

GP Boost Obtained (+13% Value For All Panels)

Landing on a GP Booster Panel doesn’t give you GP. Instead, it increases the value of the panels you own, which is just as useful if you’re trying to win the Command Board.

This means that other players will have to pay higher tolls every time they land on one of your panels, as well as give you way more GP if they want to buy your panels to take them over.

Getting to as many GP Booster Panels as you can is one of the best things you can do when playing the Command Board, especially if the GP Goal is set very high.

All Command Board Command Cards & Effects

Command Board (Play A Command Card – Stun)

Upon joining a Command Board game, you are given a set of Command Cards in your Hand that vary depending on which board you’re playing in or whether you’re playing in the Menu or the Mirage Arena.

Command Cards are categorized depending on what type of commands they are outside the minigame:

  • Attack Type Cards: Attack Commands (Keyblade)
  • Magic Type Cards: Magic Commands (Wizard’s Hat)
  • Miscellaneous Type Cards: Shotlocks & Friendship Commands (Crown)
  • Joker Type Cards: Command Board-exclusive (Question Mark)
Command Card Effect Targeting (Stun)

You can get more Command Cards aside from the ones you start with by either landing on Checkpoint/Start/Bonus Panels or purchasing cards from Command Panels owned by your opponents.

Here’s a list of all the Command Card effects you can activate and what they can do for you during a Command Board game:

Command Card EffectsEffect RequirementEffect Description
Stun1 Attack Type CardAllows players to stun an opponent and prevent them from making a move for one turn.
Two Dice1 Magic Type CardAllows players to roll two dice in one turn.
Navigator2 Attack Type CardsAllows players to move in any direction for one turn.
Three Dice2 Magic Type CardsAllows players to roll three dice in one turn
Double Toll3 Attack Type CardsAllows players to increase the tolls of all owned Command Panels by 2x.
GP Magnet1 Attack Type Card 1 Magic Type Card 1 Miscellaneous Type CardAllows players to siphon a set amount of GP depending on how many Command Panels their opponents own. The more Command Panels their opponents have, the larger the amount of GP earned.
Joker’s Fortune1 Joker Type CardAllows players to summon a roulette that can activate several advantageous effects. Panel Capture is included, which allows you to capture any Panel in the board.
Golden Fortune2 Joker Type CardsAllows players to summon a roulette that can activate several advantageous effects. Zone Capture is included, which allows you to capture multiple aligned Panels in the board.
GP Protector1 Miscellaneous Type CardAllows players to prevent their GP from decreasing via tolls, special effects, or panel effects.
Confuse2 Miscellaneous Type CardsAllows players to confuse an opponent, which makes them move randomly. This does not affect AI-controlled opponents and is only effective when playing against other players online.

All Command Board Panels

There are eight types of panels in the Command Board that you can land on—each with its unique design and effects.

Listed below are all the panel types, what they look like, and what they can do for you if you land on them.

Start Panel

Command Board (Start Panel Highlighted)

The Start Panel is where all players spawn at the start of the game. It is also where all players should return to once they reach the Total GP requirement to win the game.

Passing through the Start Panel after passing all four checkpoints, without having reached the Total GP requirement to win the game, will give you GP and restore all of your Command Cards instead.

Command Panel

Command Board (Command Panel Highlighted)

The Command Panel allows all players to lay down Command Cards (i.e. lay a trap) and take over that panel.

If your opponent lands on a Command Panel you took over, they will either need to pay a toll or purchase the card in that panel from you. The GP you get from tolls and purchases depends on the level of the card you laid down.

Aqua Lands On A Command Panel She Owns

If you land on a panel you own, you can either swap out the previous Command Card you placed there or upgrade it.

You can also trigger a Chain Bonus by laying down cards of the same type on Command Panels next to each other. This will increase the toll that your opponents need to pay every time they land on the affected panels.

Prize Cube

Command Board (Prize Cube Panel Highlighted)

Landing in a Prize Cube allows you to claim GP prizes and glide over Damage Panels.

Prize Cubes can only move you through a specific number of panels. Once you get past the limit, you will be given the GP prize.

Aqua Riding A Prize Cube Above Damage Panels

If you are still above a Damage Panel, however, the Prize Cube will continue to carry you until you’re over a safe panel.

Also, keep in mind that other players can steal the Prize Cube from you by pushing you down to the Damage Panel below if they land on the Prize Cube with you in it.

Damage Panel

Command Board (Damage Panel Highlighted)

Damage Panels decrease your Total and Spendable GP whenever you land on them.

You can avoid a Damage Panel’s effects by using either a GP Protector via Command Card effects or Prize Cubes to glide over them.

Special Panel

Command Board (Special Panel Highlighted)

A Special Panel summons an in-game character and triggers a random effect for the player that landed on it.

Listed below are all the Special Panel characters, which Command Boards you can use them in, and the effects they have on the Command Board:

Special Panel CharactersSpecial Panel Effect NameBoard RestrictionsEffect Description
Captain JusticeCaptain JusticeNoneCaptain Justice follows the player around, gives them GP, and/or lowers the cost of Command Panels. This effect can be stolen by the first opponent that comes into contact with it.
Captain DarkCaptain DarkNoneCaptain Dark follows the player around, steals GP from them, and/or increases the cost of Command Panels. This effect can be given to the first opponent that comes into contact with it.
Ventus/Terra/AquaKeyblade GliderKeyblade Board Secret BoardAllows players to teleport to any panel on the board.
Tinker BellPixie DustSkull BoardAllows players to relocate their opponents to any panel on the board.
Chip And DaleFantasiaToon BoardGives players a fixed sum of 300 GP and an additional 300 GP per panel they own.
RabbitHunny HuntHunny Pot BoardGives players 500 GP and scatters Honey Pots and Bee Pots all over the board. Honey Pots give players GP, while Bee Pots take away their GP.
Fairy GodmotherBibbidi-Bobbidi-BooRoyal BoardGives players 200 GP multiplied by a number from one 6-sided dice roll.
Experiment 221Gigawatt JoltSpaceship BoardAllows players to steal GP from players within three panels of them.

Checkpoint Panel

Command Board (Checkpoint Panel Highlighted)

There are four Checkpoint Panels in every Command Board game—Blue, Yellow, Red, and Green Checkpoints.

You don’t need to pass through or land on any Checkpoint Panels to win the game, but you’ll be given bonus cards and GP if you land on the Start Panel having passed through all four Checkpoint Panels.

Blue Checkpoint (Collect One Command Card)

Passing through a Checkpoint Panel gives you several GP and one free Command Card. Some Checkpoint Panels even allow you to upgrade your Command Panels in exchange for GP.

GP Booster Panel

Command Board (GP Booster Panel Highlighted)

Landing on a GP Booster Panel increases the value of all the Command Panels you own, thus increasing the tolls and selling price that your opponents need to pay for them.

You also get additional GP when using Prize Boxes and passing through Checkpoint Panels or the Start Panel after landing in a GP Booster Panel.

Bonus Panel

Command Board (Bonus Panel Highlighted)

Bonus Panels give you new Command Skills for free once you land on them. After landing and claiming the Bonus Panel rewards, you can also lay down Command Cards here.

Some notable Bonus Panel rewards include Ragnarok and Photon Charge . As for getting other commands, we recommend just using the melding mechanic  for your convenience.

All Command Boards

All Command Board Maps

Here we have all the Command Boards you can play in Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep, the different rewards you can get from them, and what you need to do to unlock them:

Keyblade Board

Keyblade Board (Overview)

Unlock Requirement: Clear the Mark of Mastery Exam in the Land of Departure.

Unique Special Panel Effect: Keyblade Glider

Obtainable Rewards From Bonus Panels (Menu):

  1. Confuse, Slow
  2. Blizzard, Aero
  3. Strike Raid, Poison Edge
  4. Cure, Magnet
  5. Ragnarok (one time), Zero Gravity

Obtainable Rewards From Bonus Panels (Mirage Arena):

  1. Zero Gravity

Royal Board

Royal Board (Overview)

Unlock Requirement: Clear the Castle Of Dreams map storyline.

Unique Special Panel Effect: Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo

Obtainable Rewards From Bonus Panels (Menu):

  1. Blackout (one time), Bind, Stop
  2. Fire, Thunder
  3. Meteor Shower (one time), Fire Dash
  4. Focus Block (one time – Ventus & Terra), Focus Barrier (one time – Aqua)
  5. Stun Edge, Wishing Edge (Aqua)

Obtainable Rewards From Bonus Panels (Mirage Arena): None

Spaceship Board

Spaceship Board (Overview)

Unlock Requirement: Clear the Deep Space map storyline.

Unique Special Panel Effect: Gigawatt Jolt

Obtainable Rewards From Bonus Panels (Menu):

  1. Limit Storm (one time – Terra), Mini
  2. Collision Magnet (one time)
  3. Ignite, Blackout
  4. Thundara, Aerora
  5. Sonic Blade, Thundaga
  6. Lightning Ray (one time), Zero Graviga
  7. Firaga

Obtainable Rewards From Bonus Panels (Mirage Arena):

      2)  Zero Graviga

Toon Board

Toon Board (Overview)

Unlock Requirement: Clear the Disney Town map storyline.

Unique Special Panel Effect: Fantasia

Obtainable Rewards From Bonus Panels (Menu):

  1. Bind, Blackout, Stopra
  2. Cure, Zero Gravira
  3. Blizzard Edge (one time)
  4. Deep Freeze (one time), Freeze Raid
  5. Blizzara
  6. Blizzard
  7. Binding Strike (one time), Confusion Strike  

Obtainable Rewards From Bonus Panels (Mirage Arena):

      4)   Freeze Raid

Skull Board

Skull Board (Overview)

Unlock Requirement: Clear the Never Land map storyline.

Unique Special Panel Effect: Pixie Dust

Obtainable Rewards From Bonus Panels (Menu):

  1. Zero Gravira, Aerora
  2. Binding Strike
  3. Poison Edge, Munny Magnet (one time – Aqua)
  4. Firaga, Mine Square
  5. Blitz, Aerial Slam
  6. Photon Charge (one time only), Magnega
  7. Quick Blitz, Aero        

Obtainable Rewards From Bonus Panels (Mirage Arena):

      2)   Magnega

Hunny Pot Board

Hunny Pot Board (Overview)

Unlock Requirement: Find Merlin’s book in the Radiant Garden.

Special Panel Effect: Hunny Hunt

Obtainable Rewards From Bonus Panels (Menu):

  1. Mine Square, Zero Gravira
  2. Thunder Roll (one time – Ventus), Thundara
  3. Sacrifice (one time – Terra), Confusion Strike
  4. Fire Surge / Fira

Obtainable Rewards From Bonus Panels (Mirage Arena):

      3)  Thundara

Secret Board

Secret Board (Overview)

Unlock Requirement: Win at least one game from all other Command Boards.

Special Panel Effect: Keyblade Glider

Obtainable Rewards From Bonus Panels (Menu):

  1. Blitz (one time)
  2. Fire Dash
  3. Aeroga (one time)
  4. Ragnarok (one time), Thundaga
  5. Cura (one time)
  6. Zero Graviga, Magnega
  7. Fission Firaga (one time)
  8. Sonic Blade (one time)
  9. Lightning Ray (one time), Thunder Surge
  10. Magnega

Obtainable Rewards From Bonus Panels (Mirage Arena):

  1. Confusion Strike
  2. Fire Dash
  3. Aerora
  4. Thundara
  5. Cura
  6. Magnera
  7. Fire Surge
  8. Blitz
  9. Aerial Slam
  10. Thundara

How To Win Command Board Games (Basic Mechanics & Tips)

Command Board (New Game)

Here are some of the best tips that you should keep in mind to win more Command Board games.

Tip #1: Plan & Revise Your Route Before You Make Your Move

Aqua (Turn 1)

Having a clear path to take to get the most GP possible is the best thing you can do before you roll your dice.

However, keep in mind that some developments may also alter the board for the worse, hence, a detour from your original route might be necessary.

For example, it would be wise to avoid your planned route if an opponent who got ahead of you has set some traps there, or if you find other routes that best suit your current situation.

Tip #2: Use Your Command Cards Wisely

Aqua (Command Cards)

Your Command Cards allow you to activate a variety of effects, such as stunning an opponent, protecting your GP from being taken, or even rolling two to three dice in just one turn.

We recommend using GP Protector and Stun as your primary Command Cards but feel free to pick others if you think the situation calls for it.

Tip #3: Spend Your GP Wisely

Upgrade Panel Lv. 1 > Lv. 4 (2,520 GP Required)

Placing traps or buying other players’ cards costs GP, so make sure to keep an eye on your expenditure. Only buy the cards/take over panels that you need to conserve your GP.

To make the most out of setting traps, we recommend you place Command Cards on Command Panels that are close to one another instead of spreading them out.

Two Adjacent Panels Captured

Chain Bonus Activated

This will make opponents more likely to land on them, as well as activate a Chain Bonus that increases a Panel’s value when Command Cards of the same type are placed right next to each other.

Tip #4: Use Checkpoint Panels The Right Way

Command Board (Checkpoint Bonus)

Checkpoint Panels give you GP every time you land on them, but that’s not what you should use them for, as you can potentially earn a lot more GP by landing on other panels.

Instead, you should use Checkpoint Panels to restore or level up your Command Cards. In some cases, it might be a good idea not to rush to a checkpoint—especially if you still have all or most of your Command Cards.

Tip #5: Watch Out For Captain Dark And Captain Justice

Captain Dark Steals 80 GP From Aqua

Captain Dark and Captain Justice can completely turn the tables of a Command Board game for better or worse.

They have a chance of spawning if you land on a Special Panel no matter what Command Board you’re playing in.

Make sure to chase down other players if they have Captain Justice following them to steal its effects. Do the same if you have Captain Dark so you can transfer its effects to another player.

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