How to get the Safety Ring in Super Mario RPG

You can get the Safety Ring inside the treasure chest in the Secret Room of the Sunken Ship. The safety ring is a unique item accessory that grants the wearer immunity to mortal blows. It also grants you 5 points to speed, physical defense and magic defense. This item can be sold at shops for 400 gold coins but once you sell it, You won’t be able to buy it back again.

Table of Contents

Sunken ship secret room location

Safety Ring

To learn how to get to the secret room location, you can find it at the Sunken Ship Lower Level Walkthrough.

How to access the secret room

To get to the secret room, head towards the left edge of the stacked barrels and move upwards while hugging the wall. Once you reach the edge, move towards the right and continue until you hear a door open and move inside.

Once inside, jump and grab the contents of the treasure chest to get the safety ring.

How to use the Safety Ring

To use the safety ring, open your inventory and slot the safety ring on the accessory tab of any of your party members. This grants you immunity to mortal blows as well as a 5 point stat to your speed, physical defense and magic defense.

To learn more about Mortal Blows and how to counter them, please read our guide on Mortal Blows in Super Mario RPG.

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