How to Get the Signal Ring in Super Mario RPG

The Signal Ring can be obtained by talking to Croco in the house on the right side of the palace entrance in Nimbus Land. When the item is equipped by one of your characters in the active party, The signal ring emits a tone similar to a 1up sound when there is a hidden treasure to be obtained in the area.

The area where the Signal Ring is located will become accessible to you right after the Boss fight with Valentina. Details on how to navigate through the Palace stage to reach Valentina can be found in the Nimbus Land Walkthrough.

Where to find the Signal Ring

After your fight with Valentina in this area, you go back to the palace to speak with the King and Queen. You find out and confirm that Mallow is the lost prince of the Nimbus Kingdom and the King and Queen are his parents.

After talking to the king and queen, head straight out of the throne room and make your way down to the palace entrance.

When you reach the town, go to the right side of the map. You should see a door for the house on the right side of the palace entrance.

You find Croco inside the house. He talks to you about how much easier it is with his new item to find treasure spots to loot from. As he runs away, He accidentally drops the Signal Ring on the floor.

Signal Ring

Pick up the signal ring and slot it in your accessory tab. When this item is equipped on any of your active party, you will hear a sound similar to the 1up sound play briefly when you enter an area  where you can find  hidden treasure boxes.

What’s the use of the Signal Ring?

It’s an accessory that you can equip on anybody in your party. It gives +10 speed, and literally gives a “signal” when you’re in the same room as a hidden treasure chest. This is highly useful if you’re planning on mining a lot of Frog Coins. 

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