Toadstool’s Weapon Guide in Super Mario RPG

Toadstool has a total of 5 weapons that she can use in Super Mario RPG. Almost all of her weapons can be obtained by purchasing them at certain shops located in the world with the exception of one weapon (Super Slap) that is given to you as a prize for completing Bowser’s Keep.

Here are the list of weapons for Toadstool and where to get them in Super Mario RPG.

Table of Contents

Slap Glove

The Slap Glove is Toadstool’s starting weapon. You initially get this for free as soon as Toadstool joins your party.

NameSlap Glove
Weapon TypeGlove
Buying Price100 gold coins
Selling Price50 gold coins
Stat Increase (Bonus RNG Damage)Attack+40(+/-4)
LocationSeaside Town

You can purchase additional Slap Gloves from the Weapon Shop in Seaside Town after defeating Yaridovich.


The Parasol is Toadstool’s iconic weapon that was first introduced in SMRPG and has been a popular accessory/weapon in later Super Mario games. It provides excellent attack damage and a decent RNG bonus when used.

Weapon TypeParasol
Buying Price84 gold coins
Selling Price42 gold coins
Stat Increase (Bonus RNG Damage)Attack+50(+/-5)
LocationSeaside Town

You can purchase this weapon at the Seaside Town Weapon Shop as soon as you defeat Yaridovich.

War Fan

Toadstool’s War Fan is the only fan type weapons she can equip in Super Mario RPG. This item is her 3rd most powerful weapon that becomes available once you unlock Nimbus Land in the game.

NameWar Fan
Weapon TypeFan
Buying Price100 gold coins
Selling Price50 gold coins
Stat Increase (Bonus RNG Damage)Attack+60(+/-6)
LocationNimbus Land

You can purchase the War Fan at the Item Shop in Nimbus Land.

Super Slap

The Super Slap is a powerful weapon that you can get by completing one of the Action Courses in Bowser’s Keep.

NameSuper Slap
Weapon TypeGlove
Buying PriceN/A
Selling Price49 gold coins
Stat Increase (Bonus RNG Damage)Attack+70,(+/-7)
LocationBowser’s Keep

For more information on how to get the Super Slap, You can find it at Action Courses/6-Door Challenge in Bowser’s Keep.

Frying Pan

The Frying Pan is Toadstool’s Ultimate Weapon in Super Mario RPG. The Weapon becomes available for purchase at the Treasure Hunting Toad’s Shop in Moleville  after beating the Axem Rangers and getting the 6th Star Piece at Barrel Volcano.

NameFrying Pan/Metal Plate
Weapon TypeGlove
Buying Price300 gold coins
Selling Price150 gold coins
Stat Increase (Bonus RNG Damage)Attack+90(+/-20)

Please read our guide on How to get the Frying Pan in Super Mario RPG for details on how to obtain Toadstool’s Ultimate Weapon.

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