What are Mortal blows in Super Mario RPG

Mortal blows are skills that can one hit a party member regardless of how much Hitpoints, magical defense or physical defense they have.

Table of Contents

There are around 8 mortal blow skills in Super Mario RPG and these skills are used by specific mobs and bosses.

List of Mortal Blow skills in Super Mario RPG

  • Blazer- used by Blaster and Big Bertha
  • Fear Roulette – used by Ding-a-Ling
  • Magnum- used by Smithy (Tank head transformation)
  • Migraine- used by Pulsar and Body
  • Psyche!- used by Cluster
  • Scythe- Used by Glum Reaper
  • Shaker-used by Boomer
  • Silver Bullet- used by Jinx and Jinx clone

Blockable Mortal Blows

Mortal blows

One thing you should note is that you can block the skills Blaster, Fear Roulette and Magnum with a timed defense where you tap the A button before the skill hits. This works even without the safety ring equipped but you have to time your block perfectly for the enemy skill to miss. Of your timing is off then you either survive the attack with 1 Hitpoint remaining or die.

Unblockable Mortal Blows

As for the other mortal blow skills on the list, You won’t be able to block them with timed defense and the only way to avoid being one hit by these skills is by having the safety ring equipped on your character.

To learn more about the safety ring and how to get it, Please read our guide on How to get the Safety Ring in Super Mario RPG.

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