Marrymore in Super Mario RPG Walkthrough

You arrive Marrymore with Booster Barricading himself and the Princess inside the chapel. Before going after them, it’s best you save your game first. The save point and item shop is conveniently located inside the Hotel to your left so head over there first.

Table of Contents

Marrymore Hotel

Talk to the green headed mushroom guy to use the hotel facilities. We suggest you upgrade your current weapons and equipment first. There aren’t any mobs to fight in this area but there is a Boss Battle inside the chapel so prepare yourself for it.

Marrymore item shop

Purchase the Happy equipment to give yourself the extra defense. If you don’t have enough gold coins, at least purchase the Happy shell for Bowser since he doesn’t have any equipment when he joins your party. Ignore the super hammer and the chomp shell since the Masher and Chomp that you got in Booster Tower is  more powerful than what’s being sold here.

Another item that you should purchase is the B’tub ring accessory. For now, you won’t be able to use this item which halves elemental damage when equipped but it becomes available after Princess Toadstool joins your party. Slotting this accessory on the princess while using a mystery egg in battle will unlock a secret skill called Lamb’s Lure.

You can learn more about this item and how to unlock the secret skill in our guide on How to get B’tub ring in Super Mario Rpg.

Marrymore Hotel Rooms

After making your transactions at the item/souvenir shop, speak with the mushroom guy again and choose to stay for the night. He will then present you with 2 hotel accomodations. The regular room costs 10 gold coins while the suite is priced at 200 gold coins per night.

The Regular Room (10 gold coins)

Choosing to stay the night in a regular room will have the small mushroom bellhop guide you to the 2nd floor where the room is unlocked for you to use. Before going to sleep, Jump on top of the bookshelf to your left and jump again to reveal the hidden treasure chest containing a frog coin.

The Suite (200 gold coins)

You should try the suite at least once. The hotel gives a flower jar as a 1 time complementary gift if you do.

Another reason for you to use the Suite is because of the room service. Here, You can purchase a Kerokero Cola for 150 gold coins. Aside from hidden treasure chests, the only place you can get a Kerokero Cola is at the  Tadpole pond after playing the melody mini-game and obtaining the Soprano membership Card.

After you stay the night at the hotel, Talk with the bellhop in the morning to get a complimentary Max Mushroom before leaving.

Outside the Chapel


Head towards the Chapel entrance and talk to the mushroom residents outside to trigger a cutscene. A Snifit henchman will escort 2 mushroom couples out of the chapel and announce that Booster’s wedding is in progress. The chapel doors are barricaded so you will have to find another way inside.

Chapel side entrance

There is a side entrance to the chapel at the right side of the building. Position yourself behind the walls and move around until you get inside.

Area 1 Side Entrance to Kitchen

There isn’t anything to do as you go inside the 1st area from the side entrance. From here, make your way downstairs to take you to the kitchen.

Area 2 Kitchen

You find Chef Torte and his assistant preparing Booster’s wedding cake. Make your way past them and head towards the stairs at the top to take you to the main hallway.

Area 3 Main Hallway and Stairs to 2nd floor

A Snifit will be guarding the hallway and accost you when you enter the area. Afterwards, he goes up the 2nd floor to warn Booster of your arrival. Before proceeding, take the bottom left exit to unlock the chapel doors before going back inside and take the stairs to the 2nd floor of the chapel.

Area 4 Save Area

Save your game as soon as you reach the 2nd floor save area. Afterwards, investigate the door to find out that it’s been barricaded by the Snifits. They make a comment about Bowser being a turtle and he immediately takes offense. Help Bowser crash into the door by running beside him as soon as he charges to the door to take you to the Boss fight area.

Area 5 Boss Room

Your charge into the boss room knocks Princess Toadstool’s things and she cries over them. After a brief cutscene with Booster and the Snifits, collect the Brooch, ring, shoes and crown in the room to trigger the Boss fight.

Collecting the Princess’s items

The Snifits are holding 3 of the missing items. Corner the Snifits and collect the Shoes, brooch and ring from the 3 Snifits as fast as you can. After collecting the 3 items from the Snifits, jump on top of Booster’s head to collect the Tiara and talk to him afterwards.

The candles in the cathedral will start lighting themselves up slowly from the entrance of the chapel until all the candles are lit. If you manage to collect all the items within before then, the Princess will reward you with a kiss afterwards.

Princess Toadstool’s reward

If you manage to collect all the items before all try candles are lit, Princess Toadstool will reward Mario with a kiss. Afterwards, Bowser and Booster will also be asking for a kiss but end up kissing Mario accidentally. After the cutscene, Chef Torte and his assistant appears wheeling in the Wedding Cake.

There are 4 kissing scenes but only 1 is allowed per game play, here is a article on how to choose which scene you want Mario to get a reward from.

Boss Battle: Torte, Assistant, Bundt and Raspberry

NameHitpointsAttackGold coinsExperienceWeaknessItem
Chef Torte and Assistant10060NoneNoneNoneNone
Raspberry60070 50JumpNone

The recommended level for the boss fight is level 10. When Chef Torte sees you taking the Princess, He gets mad and attacks you. The first few turns start with Torte and his assistant dealing basic attack damage while Mario and the party won’t be able to deal any damage on Torte and his assistant.

Torte and his Assistant

Save your Fp and focus on dealing timed hits on the cake while ignoring Torte and his companion. You won’t be able to deal any damage to them and elemental attacks won’t damage the cake. Do this until the Cake comes alive and attacks you.


After dealing around 200 Hitpoint damage to Bundt, it comes alive and attacks you. Torte and his assistant runs away when the cake starts moving so focus your attacks on Bundt.

Bundt’s candles

Before using your jump skill on Bundt, have the party do basic attacks until all his candles are out. If Bundt’s candles are still lit when his turn comes, he deals an ice attack that does pretty high damage to a single character. If all candles are blown out, he deals a mix of fire and lighting damage to Mario and his party instead.

As soon as you blow out all his candles, have Mario finish Bundt off with a super jump. The cake’s top layer will then disappear and you fight Raspberry who is the bottom layer of the cake next.


Raspberry is much easier to deal with than Bundt. Have Mario do timed super jumps and chain your attacks to deal maximum damage while the rest of the party backs up with healing and physical damage when they are able. Do this until you finish off Raspberry.

At the end of the fight Booster and his minions show up and the Snifits feed the remains of the cake to Booster. After eating the cake, Booster declares the wedding to be finished and leaves the chapel. You are then awarded with experience points from the boss fight and the Princess joins your team.

Heading back to Mushroom Kingdom

Exit the chapel and head towards the exit to take you to the world map. The scene shifts back to Mushroom kingdom where the Princess makes her return.

Head towards the chancellor’s room to let a cutscene play where everyone explains their role in Mario’s party. The Princess will leave the party afterwards but will soon rejoin you when you get out of the castle.

After the Princess rejoins the party, Mallow suggests that you ask the advice of the Frogfucius Sage in Tadpole pond.

Back to tadpole Pond

Head towards Tadpole Pond and seek out Frogfucius Sage. He will then tell you about a large star being sighted in Star Hill. The conversation unlocks the Star Hill area in your world map.

Head towards the world map and navigate your way towards Marrymore. A new node should be unlocked now at the left side of the Marrymore location that would take you to Star Hill.

Continue Walkthrough to Star Hill in Super Mario RPG

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