How to get the Lucky Jewel in Super Mario RPG

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The Lucky Jewel can be purchased for 100 gold coins from the Treasure Hunting Toad at the Moleville item shop.

It is a consumable item that grants you the Lucky Status and the effects are the same as the boosts you get from Lucky Flower.

The lucky jewel has around 10 charges. Once you use them up, The Lucky Jewel disappears from the game. This item can only be purchased once which means that You won’t be able to get more after the item disappears from your inventory.

Before the item becomes available for you to purchase, there are a few prerequisites to complete first.

  • You must have access to Moleville.
  • Speak with the Treasure hunting toad inside the mines.
  • Defeat Punchinello and get the 3rd Star piece.

For a guide on how to unlock the prerequisites, please refer to the Moleville Walkthrough in Super Mario Rpg.

Where to Get Lucky Jewel

Enter Moleville and head towards the item shop. This is where the Treasure Hunting toad sets up shop after you encounter him at the Moleville Mines. You must have 100 gold coins with you otherwise you won’t be able to purchase the item.

Item Shop Interior

Speak with the treasure hunting toad (guy with the blue and white headgear) and he tells you about the treasures he found inside the mines.

Lucky Jewel

The first item he sells you is the lucky jewel for 100 gold coins. Later, when you save Princess Toadstool and have her in your party, he sells you a Mystery Egg and a Frying Pan which are both items for the princess.

How to use the Lucky Jewel

Start a battle as you normally would. When your turn comes to act, select the lucky jewel on your item window to activate the Lucky status boost.The effects are similar to the lucky flower where the user gets an increased chance for a successful timed defense and can activate a mini game for a chance to double your experience or gold coins at the end of the battle.

For a more detailed description of the lucky effect, please read the guide on the Lucky Flower Boost. To find out more about the mini game mechanics at the end of the battle, You can read about it at Yoshi’s Double Experience Chance.

Lucky Hammer

If you are looking for another alternative to earn you a guaranteed Lucky Flower for most battles without use restrictions, we suggest you get the Lucky Hammer from the item shop in Seaside Town.

Here is a tutorial on where to get Lucky Hammer

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