How to deal 9999 Geno Whirl on Boss in a Super Mario RPG

There is only one boss that can be one shot with Geno Whirl in Super Mario RPG and that’s the Iconic Exor, the Huge Longsword impaled in Bowser’s Keep. He can be found at the top of Bowser’s Keep. Among all the Bosses in the game, Exor is the only boss that you can deal 9999 Geno Whirl damage.

You can deal 9999 damage with Geno Whirl on Exor by first dealing enough damage on either of his eyes before using the skill on the Boss.


Follow our guide to Bowser’s Keep walkthrough(will soon be on our site, check back soon)

There are some threads claiming that the Metal Yarinovich which is a copy of the Yarinovich boss can also be one shot with Geno Whirl but on our testing, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

How to Deal 9999 Geno Whirl Damage to Exor

Exor has 4 parts that you can damage in the battle. Each part has its own turn and deals their own damage per turn. These are Exor (pommel), right eye, left eye and mouth. Exor cannot be damaged at the start of the game. You will have to remove the eye’s protection first before you can deal damage to the Pommel.

Removing Exor’s Protection

Start the battle by doing basic attacks on either of Exor’s eyes. It’s best you focus your attacks on his left eye since it only has 300 Hitpoints while his right eye has 500 Hitpoints. Physical damage works really well on his left eye and you can break it easily in one party turn.

Dealing 9999 damage on Exor

After you break Exor’s protection, have Geno use his Geno Whirl skill and target the Pommel. Performing perfect damage is tricky but doable as long as you get the timing right.

How to deal perfect damage

To make things easier, we will break the skill animation into 2 parts. The 1st part is after casting Geno Whirl. Wait for the projectile to leave the screen.

As soon as Geno Whirl leaves the screen it will be followed by a thunderclap sound and a blue flash. Press the Y button as soon as the flash starts and if you time it correctly, you will deal 9999 perfect damage on the boss Exor.

Geno Whirl

Exor’s maximum health is 1800 Hitpoints. When the skill connects, you will have managed one shot at the boss and end the battle. Aside from Exor, you can also do 9999 perfect damage using Geno Whirl on some of the other monsters in the game as long as you deal perfect damage to them.

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