How to get the Attack Scarf and Super Suit in Super Mario RPG

You can get the Attack Scarf and the Super Suit from  friendly Chow in Monstro Town after you do 30 consecutive Super Jumps to get the Attack Scarf, and 100 consecutive Super Jumps for the Super Suit.

Chow’s Room

First, let’s head to Monstro Town.

Head to the second to the last door on the side of the town to find Chow’s room.

Chow in Monstro town will subtly challenge you.
You can choose to do the challenge as soon as you get the Super Jump, but you can also wait until after you talk to Chow to take a crack at it.

Overview of where you can find Chow:

How to Super Jump

You can begin attempting the Super Jump challenge as soon as you learn the move when Mario gets to Level 6. Just head to wherever there are enemies to battle, and you can use your Super Jump on them. You have endless choices on which enemies to choose to use the Super Jump on! Be mindful, though, because the counter resets if you miss one jump.

Focus is the main key to acing this challenge. That’s why as soon as Mario’s feet lands on the enemy’s head, hit the Y button repeatedly. Once you get the rhythm and timing correctly, you’ll probably ace it without breaking a sweat.

How to get Attack Scarf

Once you’ve managed to get the jumps, head to Monstro Town again to talk to Chow. He keeps a record of your jumps.

Talk to him. And he’ll give you the Attack Scarf, if you managed to get the required number of jumps.

After 30 consecutive Super Jumps, you’ll get the Attack Scarf

How to get Super Suit

If you successfully do 100 consecutive jumps, talk to Chow to gain the Super Suit.

The game will literally stop you from making a 101st jump. Seems like his source could be part of the Dev Team 👀
Super Suit
100 consecutive Super Jumps will get you a Super Suit, the best armor in the game.

Both of these items are worth getting, because of the stats that they can add once equipped.

Attack Scarf

This can only be equipped with Mario and can provide a HUGE boost in stats. It provides protection against mortal blows as well.

atttack scarf

Super Suit

You can equip the Super Suit on anybody in your party. Like with the Attack Scarf, it boosts your stats by a huge margin. You’ll also be invulnerable to negative status effects and elemental attacks.

Another thing, you can sell both these items, the Attack Scarf for 750 coins, and the Super Suit for 350 coins, but will that amount really be worth it for all your efforts?

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